Former 9MUSES member Sera shares wedding photos

OMG ANOther beautiful marriage has arrived oh God bless me , but this time is about Ryu Sera HEUUUUKKKKK > O < !!!!! AIEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee ;hgvhjjoiouhbkjhj bbhknjlbhjijokmi The timing was sooo great :sanapray: still am in the mist of learning the 9muses Glue lyrics.

Hello, this is Ryu Sera.​
I would like to thank the many people who, starting from my debut until now, have cheered me on during my glittering moments and also during my pitiful moments.​
And after debating this for a long time, I have decided to publicly announce this news.​
I’m getting married.​
My groom-to-be is not a celebrity, so I was worried that he might find it burdensome to receive a lot of interest, so it took me a bit longer to decide [to make this announcement].​
The moment that my desire to become “a more mature person than I am right now” grew stronger than all of the days I spent thinking that marriage was something that had nothing to do with me, I made this decision.​
I predict that more people will be relieved than surprised [by this news].​
As someone who is anxious and lacking in many ways, thank you for becoming the driving force and motivation in my life.​
This year, I have new things planned in addition to my marriage. If you would keep an eye on my attempts and efforts to make popular culture healthier, I couldn’t ask for anything more.​
I will live sincerely and fearlessly.​
I hope that your cold winter will be filled with warm and cozy moments.​









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